the great stakes of the color in architecture are regulated according to cursors of visibility and are positioned between two conceptions, the integration or the contrast of the construction compared to its immediate environment. On this choice will depend the final quality of the built landscape. Whether it is about old, historical, heritage architecture or contemporary architecture where the color is nowadays induced by the use and the respect of materials highlighted for their intrinsic chromatic qualities (glass, concrete, brick, wood, metal, terracotta…), a3dc intervenes in addition to the work of the commissioned architects. It is within the framework of a multidisciplinary team that its work blossoms, when the color intervenes as a true added value, creator of atmosphere, pleasure and well-being, vector of personality and character. Color is an asset in the same way as the attention paid to high environmental quality, renewable energies, landscaping, lighting and recycling. Ecological stances are increasingly asserted in favor of better construction, also communicated through color.
architecture color
to express the quintessence of an architecture, to give it its style, to underline its rhythms and its modenature, to emphasize its strong points and to erase some others at little cost, only the color can do it with such an effectiveness…

palettes & color charts
making color charts like music is much more than a style exercise. It’s about bringing together a new industrial color chart with its market, at the right time, in the right place, for the right target and with the right positioning. To legitimately expect marketing and success…

interior design
designing color charts and building product ranges for the finishing of tomorrow’s buildings means participating in the colors of the architecture of the future in its smallest details, anticipating the future. Expert color management work in an industrial rhythm cannot allow for any mistakes and little fantasy…

finishing work
the harmony that links interior architecture, color and material, texture and finish, is essential. It takes precedence over all feelings because it is the foundation of the success of the project, one cannot be fully expressed without the other… a3dc combines these interventions in the same global gesture of architectural design.

because, for the visual comfort and pleasure of the patient, medical spaces are becoming increasingly warm and welcoming, the hospital dimension of the rooms now meeting the standards of hotel design. More care, more benevolence, more care for less apprehension…