l'actualité a3dc

the color palette of Ault created by a3dc is causing a sensation and generating interest


Marie Fournier and Éric Guillouard from the a3dc agency recently unveiled the new color palette of the municipality to the residents of Ault, in the Bay of Somme, sparking a keen interest.

During this presentation, Marie Fournier and Éric Guillouard shared their passion and expertise in color. They explained in detail the key principles that guided the development of this innovative color palette, highlighting bold choices and aesthetic considerations that led to the creation of a harmonious set.

This new color palette aims to showcase the unique identity of Ault while respecting its architectural heritage and natural environment. Carefully selected shades, ranging from soft tones to vibrant and dynamic colors, have been chosen to reflect the diversity and authenticity of the municipality. This approach aims to enhance the facades of buildings while preserving the historical integrity of the region.

The event has generated a strong interest among the residents of Ault, who have expressed their enthusiasm and desire to actively participate in this initiative. Discussions have multiplied regarding how this color palette could enrich the aesthetics of their own homes while enhancing the unique character of the municipality as a whole.

Ault-charte-Chromatique-a3dc-presentation-population actualite-agence-design-couleur-Marie-Fournier-village-echantillons- Ault-charte-Chromatique-a3dc-presentation-population actualite-agence-design-couleur-Marie-Fournier-village-echantillons-Ault-charte-Chromatique-a3dc-presentation-population actualite-agence-design-couleur-Marie-Fournier-village-echantillons-


Des couleurs imposées pour la rénovation des façades à Ault : découvrez lesquelles le 25 février, L’éclaireur 

Repeindre sa façade à Ault, oui mais attention à la couleur !, L’éclaireur

À Ault, une charte chromatique pour «que le village soit plus beau», Courrier Picard

Intervention de Marie Fournier et Eric Guillouard a3dc dans le “Courrier Picard”.
Intervention de Marie Fournier et Eric Guillouard a3dc dans “L’Éclaireur”.